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Fall Biking Events in Prague September 19, 2010 CYKLOZVONENI (www.cyklozvoneni.cz - in Czech) is a biking event across Prague to celebrate GREENWAYS, mainly for families with kids. There will also be a small farmers market and fair with activities on Cisarska louka in Prague 5. Saturday, Sept 25, 2010 An exhibit/fair EXPERIENCE A DIFFERENT CITY and FALL CRITICAL MASS in Vinohrady - a car-free day, closed streets and street party with food, farmers market and stands. Last year there were over 6,000 participants, including tourists. The main organizer is www.auto-mat.cz (in Czech) Also, a new GREEN MAP of PRAGUE will be launched, based on the New York City model and in cooperation with the organization www.greenmap.org. The interactive Green Map of Cesky Krumlov is already available: www.opengreenmap.org/greenmap/cesky-krumlov-green-map Both events are co-sponsored by Nadace Partnerstvi www.nadacepartnerstvi.cz. And for both events you can rent bikes. The cheapest and coolest place is Prague’s new Do It Yourself (DIY) Bike Workshop and cyclists' hangout, Bajkazyl, on Naplavka, Vltava Riverfront under the Palacky Bridge. Prague Information Server The Herb Garden at Valtice Chateau Is Open! May 29, 2010 Conceived and facilitated by Friends of Czech Greenways, sponsored by The Hickory Foundation USA, the Czech Ministry of Culture and Nadace Partnerstvi, and designed and created by students of Mendel University Horticultural School in Lednice, the Tiree Chmelar Herb Garden opened after 5 years of hard work and dedication by members of Sdruzeni Bylinkova zahrada on a sunny Saturday, May 29th, 2010.The Herb Garden at Valtice Chateau. Greenways Promotional Bike Ride: Dresden-Prague-Vienna May 28 - June 8, 2008 This year, the annual event organized by the Nadace Partnerstvi Foundation to promote support for the greenway program and cycling as a healthy and environmentaly-friendly alternative transportation, also included a new Labe (Elbe) River Greenway. The international group included the foundation’s staff members as well as representatives of the Ministry for Environment, Ceska Sporitelna bank, and other friends and supporters of the greenway. They biked 1,050 km (650 mi) in 12 days between Dresden, Prague and Vienna, stopped at 56 places to meet with about 90 regional governors, local mayors, members of greenways organizations and business owners in Germany, the Czech Republic and Austria. International Greenways Biking Summer Camp July 19 - August 2, 2008 A two-week youth camp will bring together about 48 children and teens (10-16 years old) to enjoy typical summer activities icluding visits to cultural and historic sites and learning about greenways programs. This year the camp will be situated at the Jez Krkavec recreation center in Southern Bohemia, 5km from the town of Veselí nad Lužnicí. The camp is open to international participation. For more nformation contact: jan.brezik@gmail.com Earth Day April 22- 23, 2006 Towns and local organizations along the Greenways are preparing festivals and special events including the opening of new biking trails, tree planting, arts and crafts demonstrations and much more. Cyclo-Tourism Week and the Greenways Bike Ride May 28 - June 2, 2006 Organized by the Czech Greenways Association, the Austrian Future Base Weinviertel and local partners to promote cycling as healthy and environment-friendly alternative transportation. Participants biking from Prague to Vienna will be joined by the representatives of health organizations, tourism and transportation industry, and local municipalities. "Summer on the Greenways" season opening June 3 - June 4, 2006 This weekend will kick off the season of Summer on Greenways. Special cultural events and presentations are planned in towns along the greenways, including opening of new Greenways Information Stands at town InfoCenters, presentations of local projects and cultural attractions, and unveiling of new GW information panels in Austria. The "Summer on Greenways" poster with program of events will be available through the summer at Info Centers along the Prague-Vienna GW route. International Greenways Summer Camp July 27 - August 8, 2006 A Two-week youth camp will bring together children and youth (10-16 years old) to enjoy typical summer activities and to participate in greenways projects and promotion. New Biking Guides Puibished 2006 The first two Biking Guides were published thanks to the EU Phare grant: Southern Bohemia #2 and Southern Moravia #3. They are tri-lingual brochures in Czech/German/English with maps and information about elevation, distances and local attractions. They are available upon request at the Greenways InfoCenters and from Friends of Czech Greenways in New York. New Brochure April, 2006 A brochure "Natura 2000 on Greenways" presenting the most interesting nature sites along the Prague-Vienna Greenways will be available by the end of April. Herb Garden At Valtice Chateu Spring, 2006 The design for new Tiree Chmelar Herb Garden was finalized and work is scheduled to start in Spring 2006. Located under the terrace of the magnificent Valtice Chateau, the garden will feature, among other things, six theme gardens explaining different applications and uses of herbs in history and in our everyday life: Medicinal Herbs, Dyer's Herbs, Culinary Herbs, Mythology Herbs, Aroma Herbs and Aphrodisiac Herbs. The project is managed by Prof. Premysl Krejcirik at the Horticultural School at Mendel University in Brno, in cooperation with the Friends of Czech Greenways and National Institute for Monument Preservation. The students of horticulture and landscape architecture at Mendel University will be also participle in the garden's realization. Projected cost of the entire project is CZK 3,000,000 ($120,000). FCG raised $20,000 from donations in 2005. Greenways Info-Box Summer, 2006 By this summer, each of 20 town Infocenters along the Prague-Vienna Greenways will offer free biking guides and brochures with specific information about events and local greenways initiatives and projects. Please ask the staff for the Greenways Box. The Hickory Foundation Student Awards June 2005 Lednice Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Czech Republic For the third consecutive year, the four best students of landscape architecture at the Mendel University in Brno received travel grants to study gardens in the country of their choice. Ten best new applicants spent a week of advanced summer workshop at the Lednice Park. The Hickory Foundation in the United States has been a long-time supporter of restoration efforts at the Lednice-Valtice Park and Gardens, a UNESCO designated heritage site. Friendship Bike Ride on Prague-Vienna Greenways (PVGW) June 5 - 10, 2004 Prague-Vienna Greenways Organized by the Czech Greenways organization to promote support for the Greenways program and the development of sustainable tourism. The Greenways Memorandum was signed by 21 Czech mayors along the PVGW. Central European Greenways (CEG) and East Coast Greenway Alliance (ECGA) Became Partners June 2003 Czech UN Mission, New York Central European Greenways is a program of the Environmental Partnership for Central Europe based in the Czech Republic promoting environmental and cultural preservation and sustainable community tourism along the greenway cultural trails in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary. Inspired by the American Greenway concept, Prague-Vienna Greenway, the first greenway in Central Europe, was created in the Czech Republic more than ten years ago. East Coast Greenway Alliance is USA's first long-distance, city-to-city, multi-modal transportation corridor for cyclists, hikers, and other non-motorized users, connecting states from Florida to Maine. It links with other greenways and trails being developed within the region, forming a true greenway network functioning much like the interstate highway system. For more information on the East Coast Greenway visit: www.greenway.org (opens new browser window) or call 401-789-4625. |